Saturday, March 6, 2010

Man, I know I'm like five billion years late on this, but I can't believe how horrible that one Helen Keller song is. I actually listened to the lyrics the other day when it came on at work and was completely floored by how flat-out vicious they were towards the central (female) character. I mean, a general air of misogyny in music is obviously not new or remarkable, but this felt weirdly personal and low, like they were actually trying to hurt a specific person very badly. "Going there," I guess. Kind of surprised it somehow managed to balloon into a megahit anyway.

It's spring break now, which feels really weird/like a bit of a wakeup call or warning. Time to rev up my productivity engines. I've been playing around with hagiography/catholic iconography a lot this semester, and I like some of the directions that's been taking me in sketches, but I'm not super pleased with any of my completed work at the moment. It's been a really long time since I've focused on producing cohesive pieces, and I think it shows -- I feel like I'm missing some sort of connective element in almost everything I do. But whatever. That should come. On the bright side I think all of my pin-up exercises are starting to pay off a bit, I can feel myself developing a more fluid bodily line. Will post pictures soon!

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